Design documentation was developed for the system of artificial snow formation and the lighting system for new ski slopes

Разработана проектная документация по системе искусственного снегообразования и системе освещения новых горнолыжных склонов

The activities of Alp-Project LLC cover many facilities in the Russian Federation. Such a serious object of the Krasnodar Territory as the “Alpika-Service Mountain Climate Resort does its part including Olympic infrastructure facilities, the Aibga-2 rope-way and engineering protection facilities, a technological road, a pedestrian crossing, an antenna-mast structure No. 2 (design and survey work, construction)”. Stage of construction 4.2.2.”.

The specialists of the company developed project documentation on the artificial snow formation system and the lighting system for new ski slopes.

The design solutions submitted for consideration were approved by the Customer as well as by the FAA “GLAVGOSEKSPERTIZA ROSSII”, where on May 31, 2018 a positive opinion was received for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations and other established requirements.

In the short term the sets of working documentation developed and agreed by the Customer were received at the construction site for further implementation.

    View the positive opinion of the state examination No. 00105-18/GGE-07306/13-01