At the end of October, the launch of the biggest Artificial Snowmaking System took place on the Kola Peninsula

At the end of October, the launch of the biggest Artificial Snowmaking System took place on the Kola Peninsula

At the end of October 2021, the launch of the biggest Artificial Snowmaking System took place on the Kola Peninsula. Upon completion of all the civil and commissioning works “The Bolshoy Vudyavr” ski resort gets the most advanced and innovative snowmaking system that is equipped according to the latest technology trends.

In 2020 an Italian company TechnoAlpin, the world-renowned leader in the production of snowmaking systems, was attracted for the modernization and improvement of the services provided by “The Bolshoy Vudyavr” Group.

In cooperation with SNOWPROM Group the Project documentation was developed, a complex system of new pipelines, 7460m long, was built and put into operation. High-performance pumps deliver 480 cubic meters of water per hour to the TechnoAlpin’s unique snowmaking machines. 32 automatic stationary fan type snowmaking machines are placed on the 3,5m long towers. In addition, 12 TF10 model snowmaking machines was installed on the 12m long load-bearing console, which allows covering the slopes in snow in the shortest possible time.

After such a major reconstruction, it is safe to say that “The Bolshoy Vudyavr” ski resort is in no way inferior to the world-recognized winter resorts.

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