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Installation of a cable car complex at the Mamison resort is underway

ВТРК Мамисон

In September 2024, SNOWPROM Group’s specialists commenced the installation of a ropeway system manufactured by RUSLET, a Russian ropeway manufacturer. The facility is a part of the Mamison Resort, located in the Alagirsky District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, recognized as one of the most ambitious projects in the Republic’s history.…

A new RUSLET ropeway was launched on the southern slope of Big Wood Ski Resort

A new RUSLET ropeway was launched on the southern slope of Big Wood Ski Resort

With the development of ski resorts in Russia, more and more tourists go for skiing or snowboarding as a winter recreation. Ski resorts are so diverse a traveler can choose the most comfortable leisure activity for himself. The main advantage of the unique Big Wood ski resort is the opportunity to extend the skiing season as much as possible and to see one of the most beautiful wonders of nature – the northern lights. Annually, a vast number of tourists…

Installation and commissioning of an additional pump was carried out at the «Sorochany» Ski Resort

In June 2024, the SNOWPROM Group installation team in cooperation with ZIMTECH specialists installed and commissioned an additional pump for the TechnoAlpin snowmaking system at «The Sorochany» Ski Resort in the Moscow region. A preliminary evaluation has revealed a potential to increase the capacity of the pump station without replacing the main pipeline and the electrical components of the pump station. A reconstruction plan was developed and the equipment was delivered. This is the first instance of increasing the capacity…

«Olympic Reserve School of Y.I. Ryzhkov», Sysert: A new mobile snowmaking system was commissioned

Olympic Reserve School of Y.I. Ryzhkov

In June 2024, SNOWPROM Group specialists performed commissioning of the previously delivered mobile snowmaking system by TechnoAlpin for the «Olympic Reserve School of Y.I. Ryzhkov» in the city of Sysert. The system consists of a submersible pump, a booster pump and a TechnoAlpin MMS (Manual Mobile Snowgun) air-jet snow generator. The distance from the reservoir to the high-pressure pump approximated 60 meters and 120 meters – from the pump to the snowgun. The pressure in the gun is about 20…

The “Edelweiss Olympic Reserve School” has received ski slopes classification certificates

Alp-Project LLC provided the Edelweiss Olympic Reserve School with services on classification of ski slopes. The school has received ski slopes classification certificates with an entry to the state register for a 3-year validity period. In order to avoid accidents and improve the level of service on the territory of the sports school the project “Safe Skiing Technologies” was developed at the request of the customer.…

”Voroby“ launched and tested the artificial snowmaking system

In November 2023, SNOWPROM LLC specialists carried out commissioning of the pumping unit for the snowmaking system at the “Voroby” ski and roller track in Podgorny village, Krasnoyarsk region. Simultaneously, snow generators were launched, the first trial snowmaking of the slopes and training of the artificial snowmaking system operators were carried out. The project was implemented through private financing. To optimize costs, a combined solution was applied: manual snow generators and field equipment by TechnoAlpin, a Russian-manufactured pumping unit developed…