Financing of the construction of a snow-making system at the “Tourism and recreation cluster “Eco-resort Kavminvody”

Начато финансирование строительства системы оснежения на объекте «Туристско-рекреационного кластера "Эко-курорт Кавминводы"

Karachay-Cherkess Republican State Enterprise “Directorate of Capital Construction” on behalf of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and on behalf of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, began financing the construction of the snow-making system at the Eco-Resort Kavminvody Tourist and Recreation Cluster, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, (sub-cluster “Russkaya Polyana”).

As a partner, the Customer chose TECHNOALPIN the leading company in the field of snow-making systems. The main construction and commissioning works were entrusted to SNOWPROM LLC.

The work of stage 1 is scheduled for completion in November 2018.

In total, the system includes 3 pumping stations with a maximum capacity of 270 cubic meters per hour.

The total length of networks is 6575 meters.

The number of stationary automatic snow-making plants on the masts (3.5 meters) is 72 pieces.

    View the master plan for the Dombai Sky snow-making system

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