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Tag: система искусственного снегообразования

«Olympic Reserve School of Y.I. Ryzhkov», Sysert: A new mobile snowmaking system was commissioned

Olympic Reserve School of Y.I. Ryzhkov

In June 2024, SNOWPROM Group specialists performed commissioning of the previously delivered mobile snowmaking system by TechnoAlpin for the «Olympic Reserve School of Y.I. Ryzhkov» in the city of Sysert. The system consists of a submersible pump, a booster pump and a TechnoAlpin MMS (Manual Mobile Snowgun) air-jet snow generator. The distance from the reservoir to the high-pressure pump approximated 60 meters and 120 meters – from the pump to the snowgun. The pressure in the gun is about 20…

”Voroby“ launched and tested the artificial snowmaking system

In November 2023, SNOWPROM LLC specialists carried out commissioning of the pumping unit for the snowmaking system at the “Voroby” ski and roller track in Podgorny village, Krasnoyarsk region. Simultaneously, snow generators were launched, the first trial snowmaking of the slopes and training of the artificial snowmaking system operators were carried out. The project was implemented through private financing. To optimize costs, a combined solution was applied: manual snow generators and field equipment by TechnoAlpin, a Russian-manufactured pumping unit developed…

At the end of October, the launch of the biggest Artificial Snowmaking System took place on the Kola Peninsula

At the end of October, the launch of the biggest Artificial Snowmaking System took place on the Kola Peninsula

At the end of October 2021, the launch of the biggest Artificial Snowmaking System took place on the Kola Peninsula. Upon completion of all the civil and commissioning works “The Bolshoy Vudyavr” ski resort gets the most advanced and innovative snowmaking system that is equipped according to the latest technology trends. In 2020 an Italian company TechnoAlpin, the world-renowned leader in the production of snowmaking systems, was attracted for the modernization and improvement of the services provided by “The Bolshoy…

Artificial snow systems are being modernized on the slopes of the ski resort “BigWood”

Artificial snow systems are being modernized on the slopes of the ski resort BigWood

Murmansk has a lot of sightseeing to offer. Every traveler will find something of interest here and outdoor activities are not an exception. An experienced traveler fond of outdoor activities might ask: “What can skiers enjoy in this beautiful snowy land?” and will receive an exhaustive answer. It is here, north of the Arctic Circle that spans a picturesque ski resort “BigWood”.…

“SNOWPROM” group conducts preparatory works in Kirovsk

Group of companies SNOWPROM conducts preparatory work in Kirovsk

In October, 2020, SNOWPROM group won Tender №0149200002320005748 for the construction of «Artificial snowmaking system for SAOMO «Specialized Alpine skiing Sports School of the Olympic Reserve in Kirovsk». The object is located at the land plot with cadastral number 51: 17: 0040126: 129 in the southern part of the Khibiny mountain range, on the southern slope of Aikuaivenchorr Mount in Kirovsk, Murmansk region.…

Passed tests of SAS at sports school of the Olympic reserve Aist

Passed tests of SAS at sports school of the Olympic reserve Aist

The State Autonomous Institution of Sverdlovsk Region Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve “Aist” (GAOU DOD SO SDYUSSHOR AIST), in the framework of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 223 of July 18, 2011 concluded an Agreement with SNOWPROM LLC for the reconstruction of SAS, supply, installation and commissioning of water-cooling equipment fan type (cooling tower).…

Design documentation was developed for the system of artificial snow formation and the lighting system for new ski slopes

Разработана проектная документация по системе искусственного снегообразования и системе освещения новых горнолыжных склонов

The activities of Alp-Project LLC cover many facilities in the Russian Federation. Such a serious object of the Krasnodar Territory as the “Alpika-Service Mountain Climate Resort does its part including Olympic infrastructure facilities, the Aibga-2 rope-way and engineering protection facilities, a technological road, a pedestrian crossing, an antenna-mast structure No. 2 (design and survey work, construction)”. Stage of construction 4.2.2.”.…

Financing of the construction of a snow-making system at the “Tourism and recreation cluster “Eco-resort Kavminvody”

Начато финансирование строительства системы оснежения на объекте «Туристско-рекреационного кластера "Эко-курорт Кавминводы"

Karachay-Cherkess Republican State Enterprise “Directorate of Capital Construction” on behalf of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and on behalf of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, began financing the construction of the snow-making system at the Eco-Resort Kavminvody Tourist and Recreation Cluster, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, (sub-cluster “Russkaya Polyana”).…