SNOWPROM Group once again confirms its leadership ropeway construction

Группа Компаний СНОУПРОМ в очередной раз подтверждает свои лидерские позиции в строительстве канатных дорог

During a working trip (August 13, 2014) to Apatity and Kirovsk, the acting governor of Murmansk region, Marina Kovtun, visited the construction site of gondola-chairlift ropeway, which will connect the northern slope of Aikuaivenchorr mount with the southern one. In addition to the delivering ski fans to the successfully operating “Bolshoy Vudyavr” complex on the southern sector of the mountain, the northern slope will boast its lit trail and a maintenance shop.

SNOWPROM Group, provided the short-term construction and installation works for this turnkey project. Ready by 80% at present, commissioning work is scheduled for October. Skiers and snowboarders will be able to try out the new lift before the New Year. The optimal logistics of the future ski complex will meet the requirements of resort maintenance. Tourists will be able to get inventory and direct access to the slope. The entrance to the complex will be equipped with spacious parking. Lounge, judges room and inventory rental will be located in the maintenance center.

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