The construction of the cable car at the Lysaia Mountain ski complex, Vladikavkaz, has begun

The construction of the cable car at the Lysaia Mountain ski complex, Vladikavkaz, has begun

In July 2022, SNOWPROM Group specialists began contraction of a ropeway by French company POMA (at the ski resort “Lysaia Mountain”). Facility location: city of Vladikavkaz, The Republic of North Ossetia–Alania, Russia.

This ropeway construction is a part of the largest all-season theme park project in the North Caucasian Federal District – “Alania Park”.

As part of the facility construction, which will be located on the slope of Lysaia Mountain, it was decided to dismantle the old ropeway, which was not working since the nineties and is a dangerous structure. A new one will replace it.

Lysaia Mountain of North Ossetia is a part of the lowest of the ranges of the Greater Caucasus – Lesisty. The height is 1038m. Mountain slopes near Vladikavkas are covered with thick deciduous forest, but the top is completely bare. Hence, the name of the mountain – Lysaia, that means “bald” in Russian.

New ropeway parameters:
– Length – 1550 m;
– Drop – 282m;
– Speed – 3m/s;
– Carriers: 4-seater chair;
– Capacity – 1560 pph.

Currently, construction of foundations of upper and lower stations has begun.