SNOWPROM Group signed a general contractor agreement with “Moskovskie Kanatnye Dorogi” LLC

ГК «СНОУПРОМ» подписала договор Генерального подряда с ООО «Московские Канатные Дороги» на строительство, монтаж и пусконаладочные работы гондольной канатной дороги, которая соединит Воробьевы горы с территорией спортивного комплекса «Лужники» в Хамовника

SNOWPROM Group signed a general contractor agreement with “Moskovskie Kanatnye Dorogi” LLC
for the construction, installation and pre-commissioning of gondola ropeway that will connect Sparrow Hills with the Luzhniki sports complex in Khamovniki.

The ropeway over the Moskva River will become one of the central elements of sports and recreation in the area. The air route will begin at the viewing deck, spread along the metro bridge at Sparrow Hills station and end near Luzhniki stadium. The exhisting terminal station will be turned into an intermediate station with a museum and rental of sports equipment.

Due to the lack of pre-assembly space near tower location (which is typical of large cities with dense development) the installation of the ropeway will be carried out in constrained conditions, which emphasize its uniqueness.

The main difficulty of ropeway installation within the city is pulling of rope over the urban infrastructure (overhead transmission lines, residential and industrial buildings, traffic ways). Our company successfully completed similar projects e.g. “City ropeway, Kok-Tobe Park, Almaty, 2015”.

Briefly about the project: the exclusive cabin passenger cableway is designed specifically for the city of Moscow. The cable car located in the centre of the city will become its hallmark. That is why the engineers of Bartholet Maschinenbau AG offer special, unparalleled technological solutions that highlight the uniqueness of this project. The cableway is designed both for tourists who want to enjoy the beautiful sights of the capital, and for skiers / snowboarders, who will have the possibility to ski within the city.


Technical characteristics of the rope-way:

Detachable combined ropeway with 4-seater chairs and 8-seater gondolas

Gondolas Design by Porsche Design Studio

Lower station height: 133 m above sea level

Upper station height: 193 m above sea level

Elevation difference: 60 m

Slope length: 703 m


Number of vehicle units:

Section 1: 19GBK8 (always)

Section 2: Summer: 16GBK8

Winter: 10 GBK8, 10 SBK4

Speed: 0-3.0 m / s

Capacity: 1600 persons / hour

Drive: 80kW / 120kW

Rope socket catch system: detachable

Rope: 46mm / 6 x 36

Towers: 9 pcs.

Height of towers at the banks of the Moskva River is more than 30 m.


Road commissioning is scheduled for January 2017!

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