Good news for ABZAKOVO Alpine Ski Complex, June 20, 2017 SNOWPROM LLC received a positive opinion of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Main Department of State Expertise” on the project of Abzakovo LLC. Ski center. Aerial passenger rope-way No. 7 with four-seater chairs under number 748-17/GGE-11087/05.
The main features of the rope-way: four-seater high-speed rope-way with uncoupled clips of the chairs manufactured by Doppelmayr. The rope-way length is 1372 m, elevation is 291 m, the motion speed is 4.5 m/s, the rope-way capacity is 1800 man/hour. Rope diameter – 36 mm. The side of the lift and parking is right.
Currently, our company has started general construction works at the facility. The completion of the rope-way for the Customer is scheduled for 2017.